Age Calculator Content

About Age Calculator Site
It is a site that displays a list of Age and Kazoedoshi from the date of birth, and allows you to easily check the age and Sexagenary cycle for each year of birth.
There are various useful contents such as calculation of school graduation year and age difference, Western calendar / Japanese calendar, unlucky year, quick reference table of longevity celebration.
We will continue to add and update various other contents, aiming for an easy-to-view and easy-to-use site.
Please feel free to contact us if you find any mistakes or have any requests regarding the content.
Calculate age from date of birth
Calculates the age from the date of birth to the specified date.
Age, Kazoedoshi, Sexagenary cycle and the number of days since birth are also displayed.
Click here to easily calculate today's age from date of birth
Age Chart
Display a list of the person's age from the year they were born.
A life chronology such as Kazoedoshi, longevity celebrations, and ages during unlucky years is also displayed.
What year of Reiwa is it this year?
You can easily check what year of Reiwa this year is.
You can also check how to easily calculate Reiwa from the Gregorian calendar.
AD/Japanese calendar conversion table
This is a quick reference chart that allows you to easily convert between the Gregorian calendar and the Japanese calendar.
You can also select and check, or download a quick reference table.
The zodiac sign chart
This is a quick reference chart that allows you to check your 12 Zodiac Signs in a list based on your date of birth.
You can also check the shapes of symbols and constellations, and download quick reference charts.
Sexagenary cycle chart
This is a quick reference chart that allows you to check the list of Sexagenary cycle by year from the Gregorian and Japanese calendars.
You can select a year and check it, or you can download a quick reference chart.
Calculate days of the week
You can easily check today's day of the week and what day of the week from the date.
You can also check the list of days of the week one month before and after the selected date.
Age list for a specific year
Displays a list of ages by year of birth and Japanese calendar for the specified year.
You can also check Sexagenary cycle for each year in a list.
Calculate birth year from age
Calculate the year of birth of a person from their age.
By specifying the current age, you can easily check the year of birth and Sexagenary cycle before and after the birthday.
If you want to find out the year of birth by specifying the date and age, you can calculate with "Calculate the year of birth from the age of a certain year".
Calculate the year you graduated from school
Calculates and displays the year of admission and graduation from elementary school, junior high school, high school, junior college, etc. from the date of birth.
You can check the Western calendar and the Japanese calendar.
Calculate age from school graduation year
Calculate your date of birth, age, and year of graduation from the year you graduated from junior high school, high school, or university.
You can also enter and check the number of years of ronin and repetition.
Grade chart
Display a list of grades for the selected School year time point.
You can easily check the range of ages and dates of birth for each grade.
Calculate date of birth and age from grade
Calculate and display the date of birth and age from the current grade.
In addition, you can easily check the date, grade, and age of each year in a list.
Unlucky year chart
It is a list of ages, Western calendars, and Japanese calendars that reach the unlucky year from the year of birth.
You can also check the list of people who reach the age of unlucky years for each year.
Unlucky years list for last year (2024)
Longevity Celebration Chart
Calculate the age when celebrating longevity such as Kanreki or Koki from the year of birth.
You can also check the list by year, such as those who will celebrate longevity this year.
Longevity celebrations list for last year (2024)
Calculation of memorial service (Memorial day・Death anniversary)
List the dates of Memorial service such as Shonanoka and San-kaiki from Memorial day (The date of death) of the deceased.
You can also check the list of Memorial day memorial service and Anniversary memorial service.
Calculate anniversary
Displays dates such as 100 days or 1000 days after the date and number of days.
You can easily calculate the anniversary after dating or after getting married.
How many days until anniversary?
If you enter the date of the anniversary, it will be displayed in terms of the number of days until that date and the number of years, months, and days.
You can easily find out how many days are left by entering dates such as birthdays and graduations.
Wedding anniversary calculator
If you enter the date of your wedding day, it will calculate the date of your wedding anniversary for each anniversary.
You can easily look up dates such as "Silver wedding" and "Golden wedding".
Calculate the date of the child's celebration
Calculate and calculate the date of various celebrations from the date of birth of the child.
You can also check the contents of each celebration.
Calculate the age difference from the date of birth of two people
Calculate and display the age difference, number of days, and number of years between the two people based on their dates of birth.
You can also check the difference in grade between the two.
Calculate age of parent and child
From the date of birth of the parent and child, it displays in a list how old the child will be and how old the parent will be.
You can easily check how old each person will be at the time of events such as admission and graduation.
How to calculate age
I will explain how to calculate the current age from the date of birth in the Christian era.
I will also explain the case where the date of birth is known in the Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa Japanese calendars.