Calculation of memorial service (Memorial day・Death anniversary)

Calculate the date of Anniversary memorial service・Memorial day memorial service from the date of death of the deceased.
Select Memorial day (The date of death) and click the "Calculate memorial service" button to display a list of dates for Memorial service.
Memorial service(Memorial day・Death anniversary)
Memorial day memorial service
Memorial day memorial service is a memorial service held every seven days from the date of death.
There are 7 times from "Shonanoka" on the 7th day with the day of death as the 1st day to "Nanananoka" on the 49th day.
Nanananoka(七七日) is also called Shijukunichi(四十九日) and Manchuin(満中陰), and this day marks the end of mourning.
Memorial day memorial service List
Meinichi(命日,Anniversary of one's passing)
The day the deceased died.
A memorial service to be held on the 7 day from the date of death.
A memorial service to be held on the 14 day from the date of death.
A memorial service to be held on the 21 day from the date of death.
A memorial service to be held on the 28 day from the date of death.
A memorial service to be held on the 35 day from the date of death.Also called Sanjugonichi(三十五日).
A memorial service to be held on the 42 day from the date of death.
A memorial service to be held on the 49 day from the date of death.Also called Shijukunichi(四十九日) and Manchuin(満中陰).Until the Shijukunichi, it is regarded as Kichu(忌中,Mourning) and important.
A memorial service to be held on the 100 day from the date of death.
Anniversary memorial service
Anniversary memorial service is a memorial service that is held every fixed year after the person passes away.
The first anniversary is the year after his death, the third anniversary is two years after his death, and so on.
Anniversary memorial service List
It is a memorial service to be held one year after the death.It is called "Isshuki(一周忌)" because it has been "one lap(一周)" since he died.
A memorial service to be held 2 years after the person's death.Kaiki(回忌) includes the date of the first death, so San-kaiki will be two years later.After that, we will count with Kaiki(回忌) including the date of death.
A memorial service to be held 7 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 13 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 17 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 23 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 25 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 27 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 33 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 37 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 43 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 47 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 50 years after the person's death.
A memorial service to be held 100 years after the person's death.