What year of Reiwa is it this year?

This year is Reiwa 7 .
Today is Monday, February 10, 2025.
last year | this year | next year |
2024 Reiwa 6 |
2025 Reiwa 7 |
2026 Reiwa 8 |
A table showing the correspondence between the Gregorian and Japanese calendars can be found at AD/Japanese calendar conversion table.
Earthly Branches of this year (2025): 巳(Mi )
Sexagenary cycle of this year (2025): 乙巳(Kinotono-mi)
How to calculate Reiwa from the Gregorian calendar
To calculate Reiwa from the Gregorian calendar year, first take the last two digits of the year and then subtract 18 from them.
Last two digits of the year − 18 = Reiwa
For example, for next year's year 2026, the last two digits of 2026 are 26, so 26 - 18 = 8, which gives us the answer Reiwa 8.
The mnemonic for Reiwa is 018 (Reiwa), which makes it easy to remember to subtract 18.
The day the era changed to Reiwa
On November 12, 1981, the Showa era changed to Reiwa.
Reiwa : Wednesday, May 1, 2019 –
Meiji : January 25, 1968 – July 30, 1912
Taisho : July 30, 1912 – December 25, 1926
Showa : December 25, 1926 – January 7, 1989
Heisei : January 8, 1989 – April 30, 2019
Reiwa : May 1, 2019 –
Japanese era name AD Date Japanese Calendar
Meiji 1968 January 25 Meiji 1
1912 July 30 Meiji 45
Taisho July 30 Taisho 1
1926 December 25 Taisho 15
Showa December 25 Showa 1
1989 January 7 Showa 64
Heisei January 8 Heisei 1
2019 April 30 Heisei 31
Reiwa May 1 Reiwa 1
Download AD/Japanese calendar conversion table
AD/Japanese calendar conversion table PDF
You can check the Western calendar and Japanese calendar in a list in PDF.
Quick reference table for Western calendar, Japanese calendar and age of 2025 PDF
You can check the Christian/Japanese calendar and age in a list as of 2025.
Meiji : | January 25, 1968 | – | July 30, 1912 |
Taisho : | July 30, 1912 | – | December 25, 1926 |
Showa : | December 25, 1926 | – | January 7, 1989 |
Heisei : | January 8, 1989 | – | April 30, 2019 |
Reiwa : | May 1, 2019 | – |
Japanese era name | AD | Date | Japanese Calendar |
Meiji | 1968 | January 25 | Meiji 1 |
1912 | July 30 | Meiji 45 | |
Taisho | July 30 | Taisho 1 | |
1926 | December 25 | Taisho 15 | |
Showa | December 25 | Showa 1 | |
1989 | January 7 | Showa 64 | |
Heisei | January 8 | Heisei 1 | |
2019 | April 30 | Heisei 31 | |
Reiwa | May 1 | Reiwa 1 | |
Download AD/Japanese calendar conversion table
AD/Japanese calendar conversion table PDF
You can check the Western calendar and Japanese calendar in a list in PDF.
Quick reference table for Western calendar, Japanese calendar and age of 2025 PDF
You can check the Christian/Japanese calendar and age in a list as of 2025.