Calculate anniversary

Calculate the date of the anniversary after 100 days or 1 year from the entered date.
Select the base date, enter the number of days and years you want to calculate, and click the "Calculate anniversary" button to display the date of the anniversary.
Click here if you want to know how many days are left until the anniversary date
Calculate anniversary
How to calculate anniversary
Calculate the anniversary date from the base date and the number of years, months, and days.
The date is displayed from the entered number of years, months, and days, with the base date as the 0th day.
You can also enter 100 months or 1000 days by leaving unused fields blank or 0.
You can calculate various anniversaries by setting the reference date as your birthday or dating date.
Anniversary of birth
You can enter your birthday and display the date 100 days later or 1000 days later.
Anniversary of two
You can easily calculate the date of the 100th day or the 777th anniversary by entering the reference date as the date of dating.
Anniversary after marriage
You can calculate the date after 5 years or 10 years after marriage.