How many days until anniversary?

Calculates the number of days until the entered anniversary.
Enter the anniversary date and click the "Calculate anniversary" button to display the number of days until the anniversary.
Click here if you want to know the anniversary, such as 100 days after the specified date
Calculate days until anniversary
How days are calculated
Calculate the number of days from the date of the anniversary to that date using "year/month/day" and "days".
Displays the number of years, months, and days until today as the base date and the total number of days.
You can check the number of days until your birthday this year, how many days until the day you two dated, and so on.
You can also find out how many days are left in this year by entering December 31st.
Number of days until birthday this year
You can enter your birthday and calculate the number of days until your birthday this year.
Anniversary of two
You can calculate how many days until the anniversary by entering the next dating date.
Days until graduation
You can also check the number of days left by entering dates such as enrollment and graduation.