Calculate age from school graduation year

Calculate your date of birth and age from the year you graduated from school.
If you want to calculate the year you graduated from your date of birth, you can use "Calculate the year you graduated from school".
Select junior high school, high school, university, and the year you graduated.Enter the date you want to calculate the age, university ronin, and the number of years if there is a repetition, and click the "Calculate age from graduation" button to display the date of birth and age.
Since it is for each academic year, the date of birth is displayed within the range of one year.The age is displayed as Age and changes whether the birthday is after April 2nd.
Ronin and repeat year are after graduating from high school, so if you select a graduation year before graduating from high school, it will not affect your date of birth and age, but it will be reflected in "Admission/graduation year list".