Calculate age from fate of birth and date

You can check the age of the specified date from the date of birth.
Select the date you want to calculate your date of birth and age.
Click the "Calculate age" button to calculate Age, Kazoedoshi, and Sexagenary cycle at the specified date.
In addition, you can easily see how many days have passed since you were born, how many days have passed since your previous birthday, and how many days until your next birthday.
Calculation result of age
About Age and Kazoedoshi
A person is 0 years old when he or she is born, and the age increases by one with each birthday.
For example, if you were born on October 12, 2024, you will be 0 years old at birth, 1 year old on October 12, 2025, and 2 years old on October 12, 2026.
When answering a question about your age, use this Age, which is a commonly used age.
However, to be precise, the age increases by one at 12:00 PM the day before your birthday.
So if you were born on October 12th, your age will increase after October 11th.
The reason why those born on April 1st are included in the premature births in the school year is that the age has increased when March 31st ends.
It is a counting method in which a person is one year old when they are born, and the age increases by one every New Year's Day.
Usually, Age is used, so it is not very familiar, but there is a custom to use Kazoedoshi in longevity events such as Shichi-go-san, Kiju, and Beiju.
When calculating the Kazoedoshi, if the birthday is reached, it can be calculated by "full age + 1", and before the birthday, "full age + 2".