School entry and graduation years for those born in 2005(Born on or after April 2nd)

It is the school entrance and graduation year for those born between April 2nd and December 31st, 2005.
If you were born prematurely (Born between January 1st and April 1st), please subtract one year or refer to Previous year (born in 2004).
Primary school(6 years) / Junior high school(3 years) / High school(3 years) / Junior college(2 years) / Four-year university(4 years)
List of enrollment and graduation years for people born in 2005(Born on or after April 2nd)
Admission/Graduation | AD | Japanese Calendar |
Elementary school admission | April 2012 | April Heisei 24 |
Elementary school graduation | March 2018 | March Heisei 30 |
Junior high school admission | April 2018 | April Heisei 30 |
Junior high school graduation | March 2021 | March Reiwa 3 |
high school admission | April 2021 | April Reiwa 3 |
High school graduation | March 2024 | March Reiwa 6 |
Junior college admission Four-year university admission | April 2024 | April Reiwa 6 |
Junior college graduation | March 2026 | March Reiwa 8 |
Four-year university graduation | March 2028 | March Reiwa 10 |