A quick reference chart for people born in 1930

Longevity Celebration Chart

The year when a person born in 1930 reaches Kanreki(還暦), Koki(古希), Kiju(喜寿), Sanju(傘寿), Beiju(米寿), Sotsuju(卒寿), Hakuju(白寿), and Hyakuju(百寿) respectively, and the age at that time You can check it.

For Age, subtract 1 if your birthday has not yet come.

Longevity celebration born in 1930

ADJapanese CalendarAge
(years old)
(years old)
Celebration of longevity
1990Heisei 26061Kanreki(還暦)
1999Heisei 116970Koki(古希)
2006Heisei 187677Kiju(喜寿)
2009Heisei 217980Sanju(傘寿)
2017Heisei 298788Beiju(米寿)
2019Heisei 31(Until 4/30)
Reiwa 1(From 5/1)
2028Reiwa 109899Hakuju(白寿)
2029Reiwa 1199100Hyakuju(百寿)

About longevity celebration


Kanreki(還暦) is a celebration for reaching the age of 60 in the Age.

60 comes from the combination of "Junishi(Twelve Earthly Branches)" and "Jikkan(Ten Heavenly Stems)" in Sexagenary cycle.

"Earthly Branches" is the 12 types of "子・丑・寅・卯・辰・巳・午・未・申・酉・戌・亥" that are often used, and "Heavenly Stems" is the 10 types of "甲・乙・丙・丁・戊・己・庚・辛・壬・癸".

These are combined to represent 60 different calendars such as 甲寅(Kinoe-tora).

Therefore, when the Sexagenary cycle of the year you were born completes a full cycle and returns to the original Sexagenary cycle, it will be Kanreki when you reach the age of 60.

Kazoedoshi, which counts the time of birth as 1 year old, will be 61 years old.

The Kanreki color will return to the baby once it goes around, and the red one will be sent as a talisman against evil.


Koki(古希) is a celebration for reaching the age of 70 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 69 years old.

It comes from a poem called Qujiang by Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty of China.

It comes from the sentence "人生七十古来稀なり(Jinseishichiju koraimarenari)" in the poem, "Those who live to be 70 years old are very rare".

The color of Koki is sent as "purple", which represents a noble color.


Kiju(喜寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 77 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 76 years old.

It is derived from the fact that the cursive style of "Ki" (a character similar to "㐂") looks like "77".

The color of Kiju will be sent as "purple" as well as Koki.


Sanju(傘寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 80 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 81 years old.

The abbreviation for "umbrella(傘)" is written as "仐", so this character can be read as 80 in eight and ten.

In Sanju, "yellow" and "golden brown" are sent.


Beiju(米寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 88 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 87 years old.

It is derived from the fact that when the kanji character for "rice(米)" is decomposed, it becomes "Eighty-eight(八十八)".

In Japan, the number 8 has been considered to be an auspicious number that spreads out toward the end, so we celebrate at the age of 88, when the number 8 overlaps.

Beiju also sends "yellow" or "golden brown" like Sanju.

It is also a color that imagines ears of rice from rice.


Sotsuju(卒寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 90 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 89 years old.

It is derived from the fact that the abbreviation "卆" of "graduation(卒)" looks like nine and ten.

In Sotsuju, "purple" and "white" are sent.


Hakuju(白寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 99 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 98 years old.

It is derived from the fact that 100-1 equals 99 because if you remove the character for "one(一)" from the kanji character for "hundred(百)", it becomes the character for "white(白)".

The color Hakuju will be sent "white" from its name.


Hyakuju(百寿) is a celebration for reaching the age of 100 in the Kazoedoshi.In Age, 99 years old.

Since he is 100 years old, he is Hyakuju. 100 years is also called Kiju because it is one century.

The color of Hyakuju is also called "white" or "momoju", so "pink" is often sent.

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