Unlucky year chart for people born in 2025

This is a quick reference chart for people born in 2025.

You can check the year when Maeyaku, Honyaku, and Atoyaku will be reached for each male and female, and the age at that time.

The age of the unlucky year is counted by Kazoedoshi, but you can also check the Age at that time.

Unlucky year for male born in 2025

AD Japanese Calendar Age
(years old)
(years old)
Unlucky year
2048 Reiwa 30 23 24 Maeyaku
2049 Reiwa 31 24 25 Honyaku
2050 Reiwa 32 25 26 Atoyaku
2065 Reiwa 47 40 41 Maeyaku
2066 Reiwa 48 41 42 Honyaku
2067 Reiwa 49 42 43 Atoyaku
2084 Reiwa 66 59 60 Maeyaku
2085 Reiwa 67 60 61 Honyaku
2086 Reiwa 68 61 62 Atoyaku

Unlucky year for female born in 2025

AD Japanese Calendar Age
(years old)
(years old)
Unlucky year
2042 Reiwa 24 17 18 Maeyaku
2043 Reiwa 25 18 19 Honyaku
2044 Reiwa 26 19 20 Atoyaku
2056 Reiwa 38 31 32 Maeyaku
2057 Reiwa 39 32 33 Honyaku
2058 Reiwa 40 33 34 Atoyaku
2060 Reiwa 42 35 36 Maeyaku
2061 Reiwa 43 36 37 Honyaku
2062 Reiwa 44 37 38 Atoyaku
2084 Reiwa 66 59 60 Maeyaku
2085 Reiwa 67 60 61 Honyaku
2086 Reiwa 68 61 62 Atoyaku

About unlucky year(Yakudoshi)

What is an unlucky year?

Unlucky year(Yakudoshi) is an age in Japan that has long been said to be the age at which misfortunes are more likely to occur.

Unlucky years are counted by "Kazoedoshi", and there are fixed ages for men and women.

Kazoedoshi is a counting method that counts a child as one year old when they are born, and increases their age by one each New Year's Day.

Age is commonly used, so when calculating Kazoedoshi, you can use "Age+1" if you have a birthday, and "Age+2" before your birthday. can.

Each year is one of the most transitional years in your life, and you need to take care of your body and mind.

Unlucky year age

Generally, it is often said that men are 25, 42, and 61 years old, and women are 19, 33, 37, and 61 years old.

This age is said to be "Honyaku(ほんやく)" and is considered to be the year when disasters are likely to occur.

Also, in the year before each unlucky year, there are "Maeyaku(まえやく)" signs of unlucky years, and in the year following the unlucky years, there are "Atoyaku(あとやく)" where fears fade.
It is said that you need to be careful about this period as well as "Honyaku".

Among these "Honyaku", the one that is said to be most prone to major disasters is said to be "Taiyaku(たいやく)" at the age of 42 for men and 33 for women.

The age and event of the unlucky year may differ greatly depending on the region and sect.

Unlucky year age table

(years old)
(years old)
(years old)
(years old)
(years old)
(years old)

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