Age chart for people born in 1981

Age Chart

Born in 1981

This year (2025), you will be 43 years old before your birthday and 44 years old after your birthday.

In Kazoedoshi, 45 years old.

The year 1981 is Showa 56 in the Japanese calendar.

Sexagenary cycle is 酉(Tori 酉(Tori))

Age chart for people born in 1981

The list can also be downloaded and printed as a PDF.

AD Japanese Calendar Age
(Before birthday)
(After birthday)
Kazoedoshi Longevity celebration, unlucky year, etc.
1981 Showa 56 0 1 Birth
1982 Showa 57 0 1 2
1983 Showa 58 1 2 3 Shichi-go-san(ManWoman)
1984 Showa 59 2 3 4
1985 Showa 60 3 4 5 Shichi-go-san(Man)
1986 Showa 61 4 5 6
1987 Showa 62 5 6 7 Elementary school admission(Born January to March)
1988 Showa 63 6 7 8 Elementary school admission(Born April to December)
1989 Showa 64(Until 1/7)
Heisei 1(From 1/8)
7 8 9
1990 Heisei 2 8 9 10
1991 Heisei 3 9 10 11
1992 Heisei 4 10 11 12
1993 Heisei 5 11 12 13 Junior high school admission(Born January to March)
1994 Heisei 6 12 13 14 Junior high school admission(Born April to December)
1995 Heisei 7 13 14 15
1996 Heisei 8 14 15 16 high school admission(Born January to March)
1997 Heisei 9 15 16 17 high school admission(Born April to December)
1998 Heisei 10 16 17 18 Maeyaku(Woman)
1999 Heisei 11 17 18 19 Junior college admission(Born January to March)
Four-year university admission(Born January to March)
2000 Heisei 12 18 19 20 Junior college admission(Born April to December)
Four-year university admission(Born April to December)
2001 Heisei 13 19 20 21 Junior college graduation(Born January to March)
2002 Heisei 14 20 21 22 Junior college graduation(Born April to December)
2003 Heisei 15 21 22 23 Four-year university graduation(Born January to March)
2004 Heisei 16 22 23 24 Four-year university graduation(Born April to December)
2005 Heisei 17 23 24 25 Honyaku(Man)
2006 Heisei 18 24 25 26 Atoyaku(Man)
2007 Heisei 19 25 26 27
2008 Heisei 20 26 27 28
2009 Heisei 21 27 28 29
2010 Heisei 22 28 29 30
2011 Heisei 23 29 30 31
2012 Heisei 24 30 31 32 Maeyaku(Woman)
2013 Heisei 25 31 32 33 Honyaku(Woman)
2014 Heisei 26 32 33 34 Atoyaku(Woman)
2015 Heisei 27 33 34 35
2016 Heisei 28 34 35 36 Maeyaku(Woman)
2017 Heisei 29 35 36 37 Honyaku(Woman)
2018 Heisei 30 36 37 38 Atoyaku(Woman)
2019 Heisei 31(Until 4/30)
Reiwa 1(From 5/1)
37 38 39
2020 Reiwa 2 38 39 40
2021 Reiwa 3 39 40 41 Maeyaku(Man)
2022 Reiwa 4 40 41 42 Honyaku(Man)
2023 Reiwa 5 41 42 43 Atoyaku(Man)
2024 Reiwa 6 42 43 44
2025 Reiwa 7 43 44 45
2026 Reiwa 8 44 45 46
2027 Reiwa 9 45 46 47
2028 Reiwa 10 46 47 48
2029 Reiwa 11 47 48 49
2030 Reiwa 12 48 49 50
2031 Reiwa 13 49 50 51
2032 Reiwa 14 50 51 52
2033 Reiwa 15 51 52 53
2034 Reiwa 16 52 53 54
2035 Reiwa 17 53 54 55
2036 Reiwa 18 54 55 56
2037 Reiwa 19 55 56 57
2038 Reiwa 20 56 57 58
2039 Reiwa 21 57 58 59
2040 Reiwa 22 58 59 60 Maeyaku(ManWoman)
2041 Reiwa 23 59 60 61 Honyaku(ManWoman)
2042 Reiwa 24 60 61 62 Atoyaku(ManWoman)
2043 Reiwa 25 61 62 63
2044 Reiwa 26 62 63 64
2045 Reiwa 27 63 64 65
2046 Reiwa 28 64 65 66
2047 Reiwa 29 65 66 67
2048 Reiwa 30 66 67 68
2049 Reiwa 31 67 68 69
2050 Reiwa 32 68 69 70 Koki(古希)
2051 Reiwa 33 69 70 71
2052 Reiwa 34 70 71 72
2053 Reiwa 35 71 72 73
2054 Reiwa 36 72 73 74
2055 Reiwa 37 73 74 75
2056 Reiwa 38 74 75 76
2057 Reiwa 39 75 76 77 Kiju(喜寿)
2058 Reiwa 40 76 77 78
2059 Reiwa 41 77 78 79
2060 Reiwa 42 78 79 80 Sanju(傘寿)
2061 Reiwa 43 79 80 81
2062 Reiwa 44 80 81 82
2063 Reiwa 45 81 82 83
2064 Reiwa 46 82 83 84
2065 Reiwa 47 83 84 85
2066 Reiwa 48 84 85 86
2067 Reiwa 49 85 86 87
2068 Reiwa 50 86 87 88 Beiju(米寿)
2069 Reiwa 51 87 88 89
2070 Reiwa 52 88 89 90 Sotsuju(卒寿)
2071 Reiwa 53 89 90 91
2072 Reiwa 54 90 91 92
2073 Reiwa 55 91 92 93
2074 Reiwa 56 92 93 94
2075 Reiwa 57 93 94 95
2076 Reiwa 58 94 95 96
2077 Reiwa 59 95 96 97
2078 Reiwa 60 96 97 98
2079 Reiwa 61 97 98 99 Hakuju(白寿)
2080 Reiwa 62 98 99 100 Hyakuju(百寿)
2081 Reiwa 63 99 100 101

List of enrollment and graduation years for those born in 1981(Born on or after April 2nd)

Admission/GraduationADJapanese Calendar
Elementary school admission April 1988 April Showa 63
Elementary school graduation March 1994 March Heisei 6
Junior high school admission April 1994 April Heisei 6
Junior high school graduation March 1997 March Heisei 9
high school admission April 1997 April Heisei 9
High school graduation March 2000 March Heisei 12
Junior college admission
Four-year university admission
April 2000 April Heisei 12
Junior college graduation March 2002 March Heisei 14
Four-year university graduation March 2004 March Heisei 16

List of enrollment and graduation years for those born in 1981(Born between January 1st and April 1st)

Admission/GraduationADJapanese Calendar
Elementary school admission April 1987 April Showa 62
Elementary school graduation March 1993 March Heisei 5
Junior high school admission April 1993 April Heisei 5
Junior high school graduation March 1996 March Heisei 8
high school admission April 1996 April Heisei 8
High school graduation March 1999 March Heisei 11
Junior college admission
Four-year university admission
April 1999 April Heisei 11
Junior college graduation March 2001 March Heisei 13
Four-year university graduation March 2003 March Heisei 15

List of unlucky years for people born in 1981

AD Japanese Calendar Age
(Before birthday)
(After birthday)
Kazoedoshi Unlucky year
1998 Heisei 10 16 1718 Maeyaku(Woman)
1999 Heisei 11 17 1819 Honyaku(Woman)
2000 Heisei 12 18 1920 Atoyaku(Woman)
2004 Heisei 16 22 2324 Maeyaku(Man)
2005 Heisei 17 23 2425 Honyaku(Man)
2006 Heisei 18 24 2526 Atoyaku(Man)
2012 Heisei 24 30 3132 Maeyaku(Woman)
2013 Heisei 25 31 3233 Honyaku(Woman)
2014 Heisei 26 32 3334 Atoyaku(Woman)
2016 Heisei 28 34 3536 Maeyaku(Woman)
2017 Heisei 29 35 3637 Honyaku(Woman)
2018 Heisei 30 36 3738 Atoyaku(Woman)
2021 Reiwa 3 39 4041 Maeyaku(Man)
2022 Reiwa 4 40 4142 Honyaku(Man)
2023 Reiwa 5 41 4243 Atoyaku(Man)
2040 Reiwa 22 58 5960 Maeyaku(ManWoman)
2041 Reiwa 23 59 6061 Honyaku(ManWoman)
2042 Reiwa 24 60 6162 Atoyaku(ManWoman)

List of longevity celebrations for people born in 1981

AD Japanese Calendar Age
(Before birthday)
(After birthday)
Kazoedoshi Celebration of longevity
1983 Showa 58 1 2 3 Shichi-go-san(ManWoman)
1985 Showa 60 3 4 5 Shichi-go-san(Man)
1987 Showa 62 5 6 7 Shichi-go-san(Woman)
2041 Reiwa 23 59 60 61 Kanreki(還暦)
2050 Reiwa 32 68 69 70 Koki(古希)
2057 Reiwa 39 75 76 77 Kiju(喜寿)
2060 Reiwa 42 78 79 80 Sanju(傘寿)
2068 Reiwa 50 86 87 88 Beiju(米寿)
2070 Reiwa 52 88 89 90 Sotsuju(卒寿)
2079 Reiwa 61 97 98 99 Hakuju(白寿)
2080 Reiwa 62 98 99 100 Hyakuju(百寿)

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